Meet my evil twin. Also formerly known as my doppelganger, Lisa and I go way back to college. Sophomore year, both waiting for the same bus to take us home [that same bus which connects with BART once every two hours. Deathly to miss that connection.] Our life histories, passions, souls and minds are intertwined in many funny, coincidental ways that bring to mind the Chinese phrase 缘分, which I like to translate as "a shared destiny." Really what it is that means that at some point, you were meant to meet and walk a certain length of the road of life together. And as rational-minded as I am supposed to be, going on 17 years of education and all, it's a concept I do truly believe in.
So when we parted ways for grad school - her for Berkeley, me for Boston - we agreed to, among other things, a crafting swap for semester one. I made her things along the theme of "Housewarming," and she, sorceress with the knitting needles that she is, promised me something warm and fuzzy to keep me warm.
And for her bracelets and such:
I think I got this idea from Jenny over at Wiksten but can't be 100% certain anymore. And that fabric? It's perfect and a half for my evil twin. A woman was selling her mother's linens on CL and I fished this curtain panel out of the pile.
Finally, a place mat. Front:
To wrap these up [I also included some teas because she loves drinking tea] I dug into my mom's stack of wrapping paper, bags, and boxes. At the bottom was this box that someone had once held a birthday present from a friend, years and years ago, which she had saved because it was just too cute.
Gosh, when I opened the door to greet Lisa face-to-face for the first time in three months, my parents nearly fell over. Lisa's first words were 'The farther apart we live the more we dress like each other!' And it's true. Witness:
<3<3 you, e. twin. Nobody here even comes close.
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