Monday, December 29, 2008

Merrily on our way

This has been a happy stay at home. Trying to balance the little work I have to do with seeing friends, relaxing, crafting, and soaking up some Vitamin D.

Friday :: return home
Saturday :: who knows where this day went? I think I vowed to do NOTHING. And I think I succeeded.
Sunday :: quality time with the parents.
Monday :: quality time by myself in the house. Worked on various school things and writing projects.
Tuesday :: saw Amy for dessert.
Wednesday :: went for a nice long walk around the neighborhood with Rachel and Kat.
Thursday :: dad's side of the family came over for food and gift exchange.
Friday :: in the city with friends. Caught up with Anna at Borders before Jamie joined us, Naan 'N Curry with them and Henry and Kyle and Rudy, ice skating at Yerba Buena.
Saturday :: hiking with Nancy Dan Franklin Kat at Rancho.
Sunday :: lunch with Derek.

And finally, a couple belated preview shots of crafty gifties:

1 comment:

Ritapizza said...

It's nice to be home, isn't it? Sounds like you had a delightful time!