The quilt top is finally completed. And that is slightly embarrassing to say, because as you can see, it was a very simple quilt top. Hello, the watermelon pieces were even pre-cut for me and everything. I procrastinate, what can I say?
I love the colors. They are so vibrant. They are also very Christmasy, even though watermelon epitomizes summer. A 2-season quilt, I guess. Haha, like we have enough quilts lying around to only pull some out during certain seasons. Well, seeing as we were rather recently gifted with some of my aunt's greatly prodigious works, we might be approaching that critical mass.
Now my mom is having fun with the hand quilting, which is her favorite part. I chip in a bit every time I'm home. Makes for a nice mother-daughter collaboration. She's much more adventurous than I am - I can't seem to get beyond straight lines, but she's pushing me, slowly. Like the other day, french knots came to mind on that great black patterned fabric in the foreground. Not exactly the most efficient way to go about hand quilting, but kindof a fun texture to play around with.
I'm going to bind it with the red watermelon seed fabric because I had yards and yards of that pre-cut into strips, and then it will almost be the end of the watermelon fabric on hand. There's a couple small projects with it that are sitting in the Sometime pile, maybe one day they'll finally make it onto the blog.
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