In the meantime, here's my latest FO. Really, I was tempted to call it Thoroughly Unloved - maybe you can't tell because of the high polyester content in the fabric, but this dress has sat crumpled in a heap for more weeks than I care to admit. It really just did not want to be finished. Why, you ask?
First and foremost, it's a polyester blend doubleknit which my machine hated. Skipped stitches galore, I had to go over every seam twice. Then there's the fit - it's too long in the armholes, so the waist hit about an inch too low (even after my waistline petite adjustment!) More rejiggering. Also, I am not terribly thrilled with the hip silhouette. I didn't want to take it in more because it would pull at the hips. I think I am just a woman who needs some darts in her life! I think this cut has a certain belly enhancing drape to it, there was some mad thickness at the neckline facing that I had to handstitch down, and I wound up finishing all hems by hand due to said machine skipping.
Hence the crumped-in-a-heap-unloved action. In fact, the only reason I finished this was because I had a lovely sewing date with Ali and her friend Athea, hence naming this Dress #6: A-Squared. It was only through the combined power of the A's that I powered through.
They also recommended accessorizing it up to make the dress more wearable.
How I wore it to work. Amazing what a bright belt and big yellow flower will do!
(Pattern: Vogue 8593. Fabric: polyester doubleknit blend that will never enter my stash every again. Dress quotient: still undeterred from filling. I'm learning to just move on, people!)
Jessica - It looks really good with the belt and big flower. And like it could perhaps be a slow grower on you that gradually you come to like more! I feel your frustration though - my machine has certain fabrics it doesn't like. Hope you are having a good week. x
It does look very nice with the belt and flower. I hate projects that I'm all excited about at first but that turn out difficult/not well fitting/meh...
How cute is that? I really like it with the flower and belt.
you know those before and after photos, where in the before photo the woman is sullen and in the after photo she is looks like she just one a million dollars? I reckon the facial expression of the wearer can have a lot of affect on the look of the outfit!
I had been wondering about this dress because I remembered it had a fab pleated neck - and it does! If you are really unhappy you could shorten it and turn it inot a tunic? But it looks great from here! Sometimes sewing machines just take a dislike to fabric. Mine threw a strop at some cotton voile yesterday, which makes no sense at all!
Hooray! Agreed, what a fabulous neckline -- so distinctive. I think, despite your woes, you'll find this a wonderful palette. Think, especially in fall, of all the colorful tights and cardis and scarves, oh my :)
Re: the hip, have you considered contour darts, like on the bodice block? I did that with a double knit dress of mine, and it drastically changed the shape!
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